Job Creation Service Investments.

The founders of DZF recognized that in service to the country and to effectively harness the opportunities present, Zambians with common developmental interests, goals, and expectations, need to unite.

Our Mission

To collaborate with government and the private sector in identified economic areas to facilitate development through the mobilization of human resources, business expertise, direct investments and skills development while creating opportunities for DZF members and Zambian Citizens. 

Our Vision

To be a key voice and role player in Zambia’s Developmental Agenda.

Our Background

Develop Zambia Forum (DZF) was formally established in 2021 by Zambians locally and in the diaspora to be key role players in the Zambian economic development agenda, which is anchored on National Infrastructure Development and the social well-being of the Zambian people.

DZF is open to any Zambian willing to serve the country.


Primary Objective

Like any developing nation, the government of Zambia faces typical obstacles. DZF’s primary objective is to help narrow the resource gap, covering both human and financial aspects, while fostering opportunities for its members. The Forum facilitates forward-looking discussions, provides business insights, consultancy, and various services, building networks that contribute value through the exchange of knowledge and skills. Simultaneously, it promotes Zambia globally, enhancing the country’s image and generating value for its members.




  1. Agriculture
  2. Mining
  3. Energy
  4. Financial Services
  5. Tourism
  6. Technology
  7. Health
  8. Education
  9. ICT (Information and Communications Technology)

Projects & News